Twin Lakes Area, near Bridgeport, California
Twin Lakes is located 13 miles up into
the eastern Sierra mountains from Route 395 at Bridgeport,
California. There are two beautiful glacier-carved lakes are
separated by a waterfall and a short creek, called Robinson Creek.
This creek continues down from the lower lake into Bridgeport lake.
We vacationed at Twin Lakes in the summer of 2000, and were
delighted with a number of opportunities for incredible photography.
Below are just a few of the panoramas we shot.
All panoramas taken in the Bridgeport
area were with my Canon EOS Elan camera and Canon IS lenses or
L-series lenses. Many were taken on tripod to eliminate
distortion, and allowing both extreme resolution and accurate
stitching. Kodak Royal Gold 100 was used for these shots.
Click on the
thumbnail images below to see a larger version of the image.

Panorama TL1:
Twin Lakes Early Morning

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
This was taken about an hour after
the sunrise panorama below, from the same spot (approximate). In
this case, a much wider field of view was captured, since more light
was available!. This is about a 150° view.
The full size image is over 7500 x 3000 pixels, or 65 MB.
The details in this image are incredible, because a tripod was used
to capture the imges.

Panorama TL2:
Twin Lakes Sunrise

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
The sun was just rising over the
Nevada mountains, setting the high Sierras on fire, in this
remarkable panorama. The moon was just setting - you can just
see it over the top edge of the mountain, and in the reflection.
The original image was captured using a tripod, in a series of
portrait shots, stitched using PowerStitch. This resulted in
an image over 6400 x 3100 in size, or nearly 58 MB of high
resolution detail.

Panorama TL3:
Sawtooth Mountains Sunrise

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
This image was taken near the west
end of the upper lake, between the time the two images above were
taken. This is a telephoto panorama - 300mm hand-held, with my
Sigma 70-300 zoom lens. These mountains form the ridge
separating the valley of Twin Lakes from Yosemite National Park to
the southwest. You can just barely see these mountains in the
sunrise image above - bright white in the background, left side.
This image was stitched from 8 portrait images with PowerStitch, and
is over 7400 x 3000 or 64 MB in size.

Panorama TL4:
Bridgeport Lake Sunset

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
This image was taken from Green
Creek Road, and shows the beautiful soft sunset colors with
Bridgeport and Bridgeport lake in the distance. This was captured
handheld using a Canon IS (Image Stabilization) lens on 400 speed
film. It was nearly dark, and I was pushing the limits here
with a 1/10 second exposure. Because the light was rapidly
falling, I took this as a series of landscape images, thus resulting
in a lower resolution image of over 9900 x 2000 or 58 MB. Twin
Lakes is located to the left (west) about 13 miles.