Sierra Nevada Mountains, Eastern California
These spectacular views of the Sierra Nevada
Mountains were taken at late afternoon on May 4, 2003, while we were
returning home to Gardnerville, NV from San Jose, CA. We were
traveling over route 88, the most direct route. Often, route
88 is closed due to snowfall. However, the road was clear, and
the snow was recent and still falling in some areas.
The equipment used was my Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-P9
Digital Camera. I took six portrait images, and stitched them
using Panorama Factory. Since the Sony does not have the easy
access to exposure control that my Canon Elan does, I did not
attempt to manually set the capture parameters to ensure consistent
white balance and exposure. Thus, I needed to use some
Photoshop tricks, including low opacity "color" layers to correct
color balance. However, I can carry the P9 with me easily,
thereby enabling the capture of shots otherwise missed.
on the thumbnail images below to see a larger version of the image.

Panorama SN1:
Silver Lake Winter Wonderland

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
The full-size image is 5900 x 2200
pixels - over 37 MB. This is an example of what is possible
with a fairly inexpensive digital camera, some Photoshop work, and
of course Panorama Factory. The details in the full-size image
are not quite as clear as would be the case with film-based capture
with Photo-CD scan, however. This is due to the reconstruction
filter limitations for CCD capture.

This image was captured near Carson
Pass, at over 8000 feet elevation. The sun was setting in the
west, and snow clouds were swirling about. Fresh snow had been
falling for several days. This was taken with six portrait
captures, but was cropped heavily because the rightmost capture was
blurry - no doubt due to operator error. It is more difficult
with a tiny camera to keep from moving it when you press the shutter
button than it is with a larger camera. No doubt I rely on my
IS (image stabilization) more than I realize...
Panorama SN2:
Carson Pass Snow Sunset

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
The full-size image is 3400 x 1800
pixels - over 17 MB. This is not much different in resolution
from a single frame capture using 35mm film and Photo-CD scan,
although the aspect ratio is different.

Caples lake is farther west along
route 88 than Silver Lake, and somewhat more difficult to capture in
a pleasing manner due to the lay of the land. However, the
panorama below shows a very interesting scene with snow still on the
mountains in the distance, and along the shore across the lake.
This was captured late afternoon, facing east.
Panorama SN3:
Caples Lake Spring

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
The full-size image is over 5000 x
2100 pixels - over 60 MB. This was captured with my Sony
digital, with 6 portrait captures, using automatic exposure.

Hope valley is a place of beautiful
alpine meadows with mountain backgrounds. This is an image of
the West Fork of the Carson River in Hope Valley, captured in late
summer 2000.
Panorama SN4:
Hope Valley: West Fork Carson River

This image is over 8900 x
3000 pixels, or 78 MB in size. Due to trouble stitching with
Panorama Factory, I ended up running PowerStitch on my old windows
98 machine. It took forever, but the results were superior.
You can't see it here, but there is a couple sitting on the river on
the right bank of the river on the right, just in front of the pine