Carson Valley, Nevada
These spectacular views of the Carson
Valley were taken on Mother's Day in 2003. Carson Valley runs
north-south in the east side of the Sierras. The Carson
Mountain Range is the eastern edge of the Sierras.
The equipment used was my Sony
Cybershot PSC P-9 - I did not have my full Canon system with me.
On our way back from a wonderful brunch at Wally's Hot Springs, I
was taken by the beauty of the snow-covered Carson Mountain range
close-up. I usually view them from a few miles away,
rather almost at the base. We found a pull-out and drove in,
and the images you see below were what we saw.
Click on the
thumbnail images below to see a larger version of the image.

Panorama CV1:
Job's Peak in Spring

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
The full size image is over 3800 x
1800 in size, captured with 5 portrait shots, and stitched using
Panorama Factory. The bright yellow-green of spring is clearly
visible in the trees, with the snow-clad Job's Peak and Job's Sister
- part of the Carson Mountain range - in the background.

Panorama CV2:
Carson Valley Aspen Spring

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
Turning 180 degrees, I spotted a
beautiful spring stand of aspen - one of the most beautiful trees in
fall, with rich yellow color against bright white bark. In the
spring, the yellow-green turns to darker green as the leaves mature.
This image is over 3300 x 2100 pixels, and was captured with 3
portrait shots, and stitched with Panorama Factory.

Panorama CV3:
Carson Valley Spring Flowers

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson
All Rights Reserved
The full grandeur of the desert
spring can be seen here, with the Carson Mountain range in the
background. Carson Valley is considered high desert, however
significant water is available underground, and the desert blooms
with many colors during the late spring. This image was
captured with 8 portrait images, but there was too much overlap, and
I had to delete several images to get a good result from Panorama
Factory. Clearly, the program has more difficulty with images
from my Sony than from my Canon. I think the reason is the
more expensive lenses of my Canon system make it easier for Panorama
Factory to compensate for the field of view from various focal
length settings. The full size image is over 4900 x 2100 in