Glacier Lake in the Argentina Andes Mountains

The six photos that comprise this panorama have been sitting on my hard disk for 11 years, never to be stitched – until today.  And to do that, I had to do a little extra work, because Photoshop’s Photomerge function refused to do the job.

I have a very old Windows 98 stitching program called PowerStitch, which stitches in spherical space.  It is hard to use because I have to get the FOV (Field of View) set correctly, and manually adjust the images so they are pretty darn close to proper overlap.  Then, and only then, can I expect a good stitch, with no problems – where adjacent images don’t line up.

After a few tries, I got it.  Then, into my trusty Luminar post-processing program and what a beauty!  The image is 8963 x 3449 pixels – nearly 31 megapixels in size, with fine details at the pixel level.

We were driving on a dirt road in the mountains, to go visit the Tronador Glacier when we passed this view.  The glacier was a bust, but this lake was definitely not a bust!  We were staying near San Carlos De Barloche and Lake Nahuel Huapi, near the Chile border in southern Argentina.

And then there was the flat tire back in the mountains in a rental car, no cell coverage.  That is another story…

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