Eric C. Anderson

A Short
I was
born in Poughkeepsie, New York on October
25, 1946. My early years were spent
in Milton, NY and later in Wappingers
Falls, NY, both near Poughkeepsie, NY,
about 70 miles north of New York
City. I was the 3rd child, and have
a brother Bob and a sister Kathy. We
were all brought up as Christians -
believers in Jesus Christ as Lord.
As a child, I was taught
that my eyesight limitations would not
prevent me from doing anything I wanted to
do (I was "legally" blind - which means my
vision was worse than 20/200). My
parents were very careful raising me to
think of myself as "normal" and
capable. This was extremely
effective, and I thank God for their
My interest in music started
early. I spent many hours listening
to my dad's collection of 10" LP's from
the Musical Heritage Society: Bach,
Beethoven, Brahmas, Vivaldi, Haydn,
Handel, and other greats. I fell in
love with many great classical pieces that
I still love today. I also took
piano lessons for a number of years.
Until 8th grade, my glasses
had no measurable impact on my
sight. I could not read the
blackboard from the front row, so I sat at
the back and used a "reading machine" in
the closet to read books. I very
clearly remember telling my teachers about
the prospects for getting a new kind of
glasses from Dr. Feinbloom in New York
City that would enable me to see the
blackboard for the first time. They
were not impressed.
My visit to New York City
was amazing: for the first time, I
could actually read the letters on the eye
charts! With some help from the
Lion's Club of Poughkeepsie, my parents
were able to afford the very expensive
glasses I needed. Unfortunately, the
glasses were over an inch thick.
This did not help me in social circles in
high school.
In spite of a rough start in
7th grade, and the status as a "social
outcast" in high school, my grades
improved steadily until I was on the high
honor roll by the time I graduated.
In 1962, we moved to
Rochester, New York, the home of Eastman
Kodak and Xerox Corporation. I spent
2 years in Penfield High School, and
graduated in 1964. I applied to the
University of Rochester, and was accepted
into their Electrical Engineering program.
my high school years, I had many
interests. My love for photography
started there, with a Kodak Instamatic
camera. My interest in electronics
blossomed in 9th grade, and I built many
tube-based electronic devices. My
science fair project in 12th grade was to
build a complete AM radio station, WPBC
(West Penfield Broadcasting
Company). This was a carrier-current
transmitter, like used on college
campuses. I set up broadcasting
after school for 2 hours, and sold local
advertising at $0.60 per minute. I
even broadcast from the front window of
the local drug store for a week! The
1963 photo above is taken from the local
Penfield newspaper, showing me in my
basement broadcast studio. My
Heathkit oscilloscope and multi-meter can
be clearly seen on the left.
I attended the University
of Rochester, majoring in Electrical
Engineering. In those days, that was
tubes! Transistors were just
beginning to be taught! In fact, I
am the 'evil student' that caused the
electronics course lab project to be
switched from a tube-based oscilloscope to
a solid-state design! I did that
(accidentally) by asking if I could do
it. The professor did not know that
high voltage transistors were available at
Radio Shack - but when I showed him my
plans, he decided on the spot to have the
whole class switch to solid state.
I got to write my first
Operating System at UR - for the IBM
7700 DAS (Data Acquisition System)
- a mainframe which filled a pretty large
room. The computer was donated by
IBM when they decided not to produce it as
a product. It was the last of the
7000 series computers. All software
was written in 7700 assembler. I
wrote the symbolic assembler, the
complier, linker/loader, and run-time
system, over a 4 year period. I
still have the program listings in the
IBM's system software could
not be used, because it required two
expensive tape drives, which the
University could not afford. So, we
got to write our own! My STANCOM
compiler was a FORTRAN IV-like compiler,
but included real-time extensions for the
DAS, and controls for the external analog
computer, an EAI 680. The analog
computer allowed us to integrate digital
and analog computations. In those
days, the computers were not fast enough
to do it all digitally. My Apple II
was faster and had more memory!
Graduate students used my compiler to
translate programs to control experiments,
such as eye responses to light pulses.
It was at UR that my social
life exploded. The unforgiving
teenager years were past at last! I
joined the Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship, and had a great social
life, including my first
girlfriends. I launched out and
established my faith on my own, separate
from my parents faith, and established an
important foundation for the rest of my
I graduated from UR with
High Honors with a BS/EE degree in 1968,
and then moved to Boston to attend the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
majoring in Computer Science -
specifically, artificial
intelligence. In those days, people
actually thought we were on the verge of
creating intelligent machines, believe it
or not! Here we are 30 years later,
dealing with Windows™ - probably
not exactly what was anticipated as
After 3 years, it became
clear to me that I did not want a PhD
degree, so I took a "bypass" to the MS
degree and a special degree MIT awards to
PhD candidates who don't write a thesis
but do complete all course work - an EE
degree. Such a confusing name!
When I tell people I have an EE degree
from MIT, they think "BSEE". Sigh.
Group at Park Street Church
In Boston, I joined the Park
Street Grad Group, a large
graduate-age group meeting Sunday nights
at the historic Park Street Church, right
on the Boston Common. Firearms were
stored in the catacombs under the church
during the Revolutionary War. I took
a brief tour of this underground area.
This Grad Group also had a
very high impact on my life. I
joined the Grad Group Band playing the
accordion, and had a ball playing every
Sunday evening. My piano lessons
finally paid off! The Grad Group had
a very high impact on many others, as
well. This can be verified by the
fact that the group still exists and has
yearly reunions to this day. Visit
the Grad Group area on this website for
more information.
While at MIT and attending
Grad Group, I became an avid dater.
I was known as "safe" by the girls of Grad
Group, and often dated two to three times
a week. I met my wife Sandy through
a Grad Group wedding. She had been a
roommate in college with the girl getting
married, and was one of her
bridesmaids. In my usual
photographer mode, I took her
picture. She asked for a copy, and
that started a pen pal relationship that
ended in marriage a few years later.
Sandy was living in Philadelphia at the
Photo Trip
The year before I graduated
MIT in 1971, I took my first trip to the
US Southwest - Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon,
Zion Canyon, and others, with some friends
from MIT. In those days I was using
slide film (Agfachrome 100) because it
cost too much to do prints, and I enjoyed
giving "slide shows" to the Grad
Group. Unfortunately, most of the
slides from the 70's and early 80's were
destroyed by humidity when I moved to
Florida in 1979.
It was during this trip
where the relationship with my wife-to-be
developed, via lots of postcards with
"xxxx's" and "oooo's" on them. This
was no doubt due to camping for a month
with 3 guys! When I returned, she
visited Boston to "collect" on the
promised hugs and kisses.
Clear Light Experience
After marriage in 1971, we
continued to live in Boston - Newton,
actually, until 1979. I was one of
the founders of Clear Light
Productions - later just Clear
Light, Inc. This Christian
start-up company was founded by some
friends from Park Street Church to use
multi-media to present the Gospel of Jesus
Christ to secular man. We used banks
of slide projectors and other devices to
do this, along with rock music. We
got tossed out of Park Street Church for
using rock music! As things
developed, we presented a 6-projector show
entitled "Cry 3"
to over 500,000 people in churches,
schools, universities, on beaches, in
parks, etc., over a 5 year period, using
seminary students to cart around the
equipment and give the
presentations. The follow-on
production, "Because
I Am" was never produced, except
in record form (hey - they didn't have
CD's back then!).
Ultimately, the company
became an electronics company, based on
the products I developed, and the name was
changed from Clear Light Productions to
Clear Light, Inc. We moved the
company to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in
1979, where I lived for 8 years.
at Clear Light
My responsibility as Chief
Engineer - later Senior VP of Engineering
- was to create the hardware to drive the
projection equipment. It started out
with manual "dissolve units" driven with
simple analog circuitry and relays, moved
to tone encoded simple digital systems
using PLL's (Phase Locked Loops), then to
paper tape with SSI CMOS chips, next to
pure digital with MSI CMOS, and finally to
microprocessor-based designs. Our
first microchip was the Fairchild F8
series, in the form of a Mostek 3870
single chip computer. That was a
great little chip! Really compact
8-bit instruction set, on-board 2K ROM,
and about 36 pins of I/O. Programmed
on a TI "silent 700" cassette-based
terminal! Was that a trip! It
took 15 minutes to run the 2-pass
Apple Connection
In 1979, we began looking
for a microcomputer to base our future
products on. Up to then, we had
introduced products based on various
technologies, beginning with "manual"
controls, and then moving up as the
microelectronics industry developed:
The 1200
paper tape and tones |
The Diamond
digital CMOS logic, SSI and MSI |
The Star
3870 microcomputer based - typically
2 per unit. A 15-projector
system was a network of 13 3870's. |
Our competitors were using
S100-based computers. These were
very heavy, and used lots and lots of
parts, plus an external CRT
terminal. When I finally saw my
first Apple II computer,
with switching power supply, single,
simple motherboard, integrated keyboard,
sound and graphics, I knew it was the
right choice. From this, we created
the Clear Light
Superstar computer, one of
two Apple "co-branded" versions of the
Apple II ever allowed. The other
co-branded Apple II was the Bell &
Howell black version. In this photo,
supplied by an old friend, you can see me
demonstrating the Superstar to a customer
at a trade show, probably around 1983.
A co-branded Apple II had
Apple logos and our logos on the name
plates for the disk drives and the
computer itself. Below is a picture
of the Apple II name plate for the

Clear Light Superstar with
Apple-approved co-brand
Apple finally decided this
co-branding was not a good thing, and
called and asked us to stop. I
offered to stop if they would pay for the
stock of nameplates we had made up - about
$1100 total. I never heard from them
again! Guess Apple was pretty small
in those days! When they came out
with the Apple //e, the labels no longer
fit, and we were out of the co-branding
We created a real-time
multi-tasking operating system for the
Apple II, all in hand-crafted 6502
assembly code. It got too big to fit
in 64K of memory, so we used disk overlays
to extend the available space. Even
Apple DOS 3.3 was a disk overlay! It
was always fun to tell people that when
they selected "File" from the menu, DOS
was swapped into memory! For you
Apple II fans, we keep the RTWS
(Read/Write Track & Sector) subroutine
in memory at all times.
on an Apple II!
With the Superstar,
you could program up to 4 "time lines" at
once. A task or alternate time line
was started via the "Start Task'
command. This unprecedented
capability (for programming slide
projectors) allowed independent functions
to be programmed independently. For
example, you could create one task to do a
marquee effect with 3 projectors, and
synchronize other projectors to the
beat of the music with another, while
changing subtitles to the voice
track on another. The computer would
"merge" the timelines together into a
single "cue track" for the projector
The entire system could run
at 100 cues per second, and could process
control statements (non-projector
statements) at over 1000 statements per
second. Our competitors could not
match the performance or ease of use, even
when using a much more powerful IBM PC and
C programming. It was too slow to
use! Ah, there IS some value to a
Pentium 4, after all! To suck up all
the C compiler and operating system
There are many other Clear
Light stories, but enough! The Clear
Light experience lasted until 1987.
During the 16 years with Clear Light, I
was very productive: I developed and
shipped over 55 products, from manual
controls to Apple II-based products.
We had the best products. Too bad we
didn't know how to spell "marketing."
In 1974, we had our
first and only child - Adam Christian
Anderson. Adam was a delightful
child! Sandy became a full-time
mom, and together we raised a
wonderful son. When we left
Florida in 1987 to move to San Jose,
California for my new job at Apple
Computer, Inc., Adam was in 8th
grade. He attended Ft.
Lauderdale Christian School during the
first 7 grades. It was a painful
transition to the public school system
- even for a school with a great
reputation in Cupertino.
Adam graduated from high
school, and then attended Santa
Clara University, where he got
his B.S. in Computer Science in
1996. Adam is now a consultant,
doing database systems for various
clients here in San Jose. His
resume is also available elsewhere on
this site.
Sandy also attended
Santa Clara University, and gained a
MS degree in Counseling
Psychology. She then worked her
3000 hours as an intern, and took the
state boards. After receiving
her license, she opened a successful
private practice for child and family
therapy in San Jose. She closed
her practice in late 2002 for our move
to Nevada.
in right column
continued from
left column...
at Apple Computer
When it was time to let
Clear Light go - slide projectors were on
the way out - I began looking for a new
job. The only company I truly wanted
to work for besides Clear Light was Apple
Computer, Inc. I read
everything I could about the company, the
products, and the people. Cupertino
was some mysterious place on the west
coast where all the interesting things
were happening!
I got my first nibble in the
summer of 1986 from Larry Tessler, who was
in charge of the Advanced Products Group,
which later became the Advanced Technology
Group. Larry asked me a
question: "Do you want to do
products or research?" I guessed the
wrong answer, based on the name of his
group, and said "products!".
Oops... I was devastated when I
found out that the "right" answer was
Fortunately, my wife Sandy
had more faith than I did. I gave up
on Apple - it was too painful to consider
having been rejected by the one company I
wanted to work for! Sandy prayed for
a year that Apple would contact me again
and offer me a job.
Sure enough (Hey! God
answers prayers!) in the summer of 1987, I
got a call from John Medica (now at Dell
Computer) following up on a resume
from the previous year. I had just
sent in a new one, but he was not aware of
it. Over the next few weeks, I
visited Cupertino and Apple several times,
and moved out quickly to my new job in the
CPU Engineering Group! I was in nerd
While at Apple, I worked on
various Apple II programs, including the Apple
II Video Overlay Card. I also
worked on a project to replace the Apple
II main processor with the ARM chip, which
would emulate the Apple II instruction
set. Unfortunately, this project was
killed. The reason given was Apple
could not afford to support yet another
OS. At the time I did not believe
this (but now, with the FlashPoint
Technology experience, I do!).
Another reason given by many was that it
threatened the Mac - it would have had a
higher performance than the Mac II at the
After that difficult
experience of being "shot down" at the
Cross-Functional Review Board - a very
painful experience indeed, I moved on to
DSP (Digital Signal Processing)
work. I was still into multi-media,
even at Apple! I helped create 5
chips that went into the AV Macs - the 660
AV and the 840 AV:
DSP 3210 from AT&T |
"Singer" stereo codec from
Three-chip video codec from
Philips |
I was the chief architect
for the DSP program, and defined the
architecture for ARTA:
Apple Real Time Architecture,
which was presented at the 1992
Microprocessor Forum.
Unfortunately, this architecture was used
by Apple only as a "bridge" technology
during the transition from 68K to Power
PC, in spite of pleas from the imaging
community, such as Adobe Systems, Inc., to
continue to support it on Power PC
During the ARTA program, I
was transferred into the Advanced
Technology Group. It turns out I was
too "far out" timeline wise for product
land, and too far in for ATG. I
started working on digital cameras in ATG
in late 1992.
The idea of a software-based
camera developed slowly, beginning in
1993. We developed a block diagram,
selected parts, and even worked on
defining the GUI (Graphical User
Interface) which would be visible on a 2
inch color LCD.
This effort developed into a
full-blown program in Imaging product
development in the fall of 1994.
This program was based on work done in
ATG, but excluded the all-important color
LCD display that we felt was critical for
a digital camera. Unfortunately,
Apple management felt low price was more
important, and we spent 2 years working on
a operating system for a camera that did
not have a color LCD. Casio
Corporation ended that when they
introduced their famous QV10 camera in
1995. The project was killed in
early 1996 after we determined that the
CPU we were using would not have enough
horsepower to drive a display and full
GUI. Saying "we told you so" never
quite makes it better, does it?
However, the effort was not
entirely wasted. We were able to
"spin out" a start-up company to complete
the original vision - a GUI-based digital
Technology, Inc.
I was a founder at
FlashPoint. FlashPoint Technology,
Inc. was started officially on November
15, 1996. We grew the company
to over 120 employees, with many on-going
projects and customers. More than
seven products were shipped with the Digita™ OE
(Operating Environment) installed.
The name change from
FlashPoint/OS to Digita™ OE occurred when
we discovered that FlashPoint was a brand
name used by several companies for things
like golf clubs... The products
shipped include:
Kodak DC220 Digital Camera |
Kodak DC260 Digital Camera |
Kodak DC265 Digital Camera |
Kodak DC290 Digital Camera |
H/P C500 Digital Camera |
Minolta Dimage EX-1500
Digital Camera |
Epson Print-On PT-100
Stand-Alone Digital Image Printer |
Starting as early as late
1999, the focus at FlashPoint began to
shift to incorporating the internet into
our strategy. I played a major role
in defining the Photivity™
wireless imaging solution, as well as
future technology and strategies which
were never announced. The company
had announced a roll-out of wireless
service with Sprint PCS, which would have
begin in the second half of 2001.
By the end of 2000, the
market conditions had deteriorated so much
that it became nearly impossible to
acquire any additional capital. As
of March 1, 2001, I left the company,
along with a number of others, as part of
a cost saving effort. At this time,
the company only exists as a intellectual
property company, with a very small
engineering team in North Carolina working
on a secret project. I returned as a
part-time employee in the fall of 2001,
and continue to support the patent
portfolio licensing program.
During my stay at Apple and
FlashPoint, I filed over 170 patent
applications. As of this writing,
over 70 have issued. A list of the
issued patents can be seen on my resume,
available elsewhere on this website, and
include DSP, audio hardware and software,
digital camera, and internet
patents. The remaining applications
are still in process.
Internet Stuff
During the second half of
1999, I spent a lot of time learning new
technologies for FlashPoint. I
created a few internal business websites,
and some PC applications. I launched
this website soon thereafter. Since
then, I have added a few more websites to
my list:
I really like developing
websites. Not only does it get me
programming again after so many years, but
it combines programming with art and
graphics design.
on Silicon Valley
Frankly, my experience in
corporate America was not exactly
glorious. My time at Apple was very
enjoyable because I was far enough away
from the upper management maelstrom.
With the exception of being shot down at
the Cross Functional Review Board, and
hearing stories of the huge fights between
groups and managers, I lived a pretty calm
life. However, the outcome of the
management maelstrom was an incredible
waste of engineering effort. Most
engineers at Apple never got to complete a
product and ship it! The projects
were constantly being tinkered with,
cancelled, or redirected. Entire
developed and working technologies were
tossed out at the last minute due to
on-going management fights for control and
Unfortunately, at
FlashPoint, I was right in the
maelstrom Not being a good
"politician" makes me a really bad match
for the extreme political environment of a
venture capital start-up. I was not
able to compromise my beliefs, and thus
there was a lot of friction and
pain. Frankly, I think this has been
a growing problem on corporate America,
leading to the serious lack of trust in
management and accounting firms we now
Once I left FlashPoint, I
did not wish to return to the corporate
upper management world - at least not
without very very serious review of the
driving principals behind the CEO and
Board of Directors. I am sure there
are companies out there that would meet my
criteria, but I don't know of any that
also need my experience and skills.
Also, as I had worked with several
ministry organizations over my career, I
became very interested in transitioning to
a more ministry-based direction.
In that regard, I spent the
first three months of my new life after
leaving FlashPoint Technology, from March
2001 to early June 2001, developing the
new website for BWGI Seminars, an
organization I had been involved with for
over 10 years. That website was very
successful, and has continued and been
expanded numerous time since then.
In June of 2001, I set up a
small consulting company "doing business
as" Anderson Creations. I
have focused on writing patent disclosures
for clients, and website
development. The Lord has provided
all of my clients! Every effort I
made to get business failed, but a number
of relationships just fell into my
lap! I am very grateful for the care
I have received from my God.
As the summer of 2001
passed, it became clear that our cost of
living was not in line with my new
goals. Specifically, the major
remodel we had just completed when I left
FlashPoint had increased our debt and our
monthly payments to uncomfortable
levels. With much pain, it became
clear that we needed to sell the home we
had just spent almost 2 years in making
just the way we wanted. Sigh.
We successfully sold our
home in December 2001, and moved into a
rental in January 2002. The goal now
was to choose a place to move to.
Big Move to Nevada!
Most of my work was done at
home. I had occasional meetings with
my clients. It became clear that
most if not all of the work I was doing
could be done almost anywhere, using
telephone consultations rather than
face-to-face meetings. We set out to
locate a place where we could buy a home
outright, and reduce our cost of living
With a little research, it
became clear that California was
out. We decided to look at Nevada
and Washington. Our visit to Nevada
turned up a lot of very interesting
information - and convinced us that
Gardnerville was the place for us.
We built a new home, completed in February
2003, and moved to Nevada in March
2003. Our new home, sans
landscaping, is shown below.

Conditions, Continued
As you certainly know, the
market conditions have not significantly
improved - in fact, have gotten worse in
many cases. Where is the fabled
recovery? It is real or is it
another Wall Street "smoke and mirrors"
fantasy? I guess I have to come down
on the side of the fantasy. Friends,
we are in a bear market, with regular
rallies and drops, moving ever so
certainly in a downward direction.
I, like many of you, lost a fair chunk of
retirement dollars in 2000 and part way
through 2001. I wanted to sell many
times, but was told "DON'T SELL
NOW!!!!" However, by the middle of
2001, I decided that I had lost enough
money, thank you, and pulled everything
out of the market. I then began to
study to find out what was going on.
I now believe that we are at
the front edge of a major downturn -
either a prolonged recession, or even a
depression. If you are interested in
learning more, check out Elliot
Wave Theory and Safe
Money Report. I highly
recommend you consider the Safe Money
Report newsletter, which contains three
separate investment portfolios - all of
which I have tried now since August 2001
with good results.
of the Year
The Silicon Valley
Intellectual Property Lawyer's
Association favored me with the
Inventor of the
Year Award for 2003.
The reprint from the Reocrd-Courier, my
local newspaper, is available here.
Art Photography
In 2005, I decided to
finally take the big leap and add another
business to Anderson Creations: fine art
photography. I have made a lot of
progress with this effort, including
launching a new website at
In 2006, I launched a new
ministry, a non-profit 501(c)3 religious
organization based in Nevada. EduPlex (the
word) is constructed from Educational
Complex - the education version of
a Cineplex, for example. The vision
of EduPlex
is meet the crisis in Christian
leadership training in the developing
world by providing free transformational
Biblical, theological and ministry
educational materials that transform the
heart and equip the mind to produce
Christ-like mature leadership: to become
the Free
Biblical University for the
developing world. Visit our website
After creating several
powerful courses (now free), we were
unable to fund the ministry, and decided
to launch an effort as a for-profit.
EduPlex Interactive, Inc. was born, and we
presented our business plan for both
education and for video conferencing to
many VC's and angel investors.
Unfortunately, this was right after the
2007-2009 market crash, and not an optimum
time, so we terminated the effort in
February 2012.
Since then, we sold our home
in Nevada, spent a year roaming the west
in a 40 foot diesel pusher RV, and ended
up settling in Sandpoint, ID. We
live at the base of a mountain, in tall
pine trees. It is a beautiful area,
and we have our own well, septic,
emergency backup power, and much more.
As part of our preparations
for potential disasters, and lots of research,
we started teaching others about disaster
preparation (see home page to download the
PDF file). We also now enjoy and
sell the best freeze-dried foods available
from THRIVE. Visit our website at
Thanks for reading my brief
autobiography! I hope you enjoyed
Eric C. Anderson