My Favorites

My favorites include Software, Books,
Music, and Hobbies and Interests.
Click on the buttons above to view these lists.
Favorite Websites

I use a lot of websites. I purchase most of
my goods - other than gas and food - via the web. Here is a
smattering of websites I visit frequently.
Great PC's, Low Prices, Great Support!
My favorite supplier of custom-built PC's that are
significantly less expensive than the "big guys" is Talk to
Max. They can build to your specifications or needs, or to a
specific budget target. Telephone and email support is
excellent - they really know the hardware and software! Just
tell them what you want, or what you want to do, and your budget,
and they will propose a system to maximize your dollar to your
Investment Sites
I spend a fair amount of time on investing these
days. In a bear market, you can't invest the usual way and be
Yahoo DJ Big Chart: This is
my favorite Dow Jones chart to watch. I use the 5-day
chart because I am very interested in, and follow the Elliott
Wave Principle as a guide to my investments |
Elliott Wave International:
This website is where I receive my information on the current
status of the wave patterns. The Short Term Update is
essential to successful investing! |
Fidelity Investments: Known as
one of the strongest brokerage houses, they have a great web
interface, and a great "Active Trader Pro" software package for
frequent traders. |
Safe Money Report: This
newsletter is an excellent guide to investing safely in the
current bear market. Mostly focuses on the US market and
economy. |
Weiss Ratings: A great
site to find out how safe your insurance company is, or your
bank, brokerage firm, HMO, or other insurance companies.
This is important in the bear market - you can lose 100% of your
"investment" in these areas if the company you are using goes
belly up. |
Options Express:
I sometimes find it easier to get an options list here than
using the Fidelity tools. Specifically, it is easier to
find LEAPS using this tool. |
Big Charts: When I
want a custom chart, here is where I can get it. I just
wish the charts would provide more than daily prices for 1 month
and longer... |
Gold Chart:
If you want to follow the gold market, here is a great chart,
provided by Kitco. |
Other Sites and Favorite Organizations
Here are some miscellaneous sites I use on a
regular basis...
 | Sci-Fi Book Club: If you love
Sci-Fi, and you are not a member yet, now is the time to sign
up! |
 | Delphion: Since I am an avid
inventor, I need access to my patents when the are published, or
to do research. This is my patent site. |
 | Schwan's: I like access to
quickie breakfasts, lunches, and easy dinners. If they
deliver in your area, try them out. Great cookie dough,
good pizzas, breakfast foods. |
 | World Vision:
Great organization, doing great work! |
 | Wycliffe Bible Translators:
Another great organization doing great work. Both of these
deserve your support! |
Alliance Defense Fund: An organization undoing the
terrible work of the ACLU. I love these guys! |
Continued in right column... |
websites, continued...
News Sites
I depend on a few sites to get most of my news...
That is, besides reading the local paper and watching evening news
on Fox.
 | FrontPage Magazine: a great
source of commentary on current events. Articles are
submitted from many sources. |
 | Washington Times:
This is the National Weekly Edition - a great source of
conservative news. |
 | Fox News: This has become my
favorite news channel. I got sick and tired of hearing
anti-US bias on CBS, and now exclusively watch Fox. |
Web Stores
 | This is a good
source of everything electronic, including software.
Usually a very good price, and excellent service. |
 | Vista Print:
Need inexpensive but high quality printing, such as business
cards, post cards, brochures? Here is my favorite source.
Design your card on-line! |
 | PC Cables: Need low cost
cables for your PC? This is the place! |
 | How could I get
along without Amazon? A great site for books!
Electronics are a bit pricy. |
 | Intuit: This is the source for
Quicken and TurboTax, software I use quite often. |
 | Cheap Software:
If they have what you want, you can't beat the prices here! |
Website Development
If you develop websites, these links may be of
interest to you
 | GoDaddy: Low
cost domain registration, forwarding, DNS management. Very
nice web interface. |
Free ASP software:
WebWiz is a great source of
free ASP software, including a very nice forum package (bulletin
board system). |
Site Search Engine:
Fusionbot provides an
excellent, customizable site search engine for a low monthly
rate. |
QuickCommerce: A
reliable e-commerce supplier, using transaction
servers. |
 | Bid-Ranked Search
Engines: My favorite is, with and as
alternates. Overture has become very expensive (minimum
bid is $0.10), so I try to get the most traffic from ah-ha or
7search. |
Choice: My favorite source
for a bundle of websites at an excellent rate. Reliable
supplier! |
Christian Ministries
Some favorites:
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