Google Gulag

I stopped using Google some years ago, mainly because I did not want my activities to be sold to advertisers.

There is now a much better reason to not use Google (or Facebook, or Twitter, or YouTube):  it is the incessant manipulation of information, also known as censoring.  At one time, this was the anathema of the left.  But no more!

This article will send a chill down your spine.  Here is a brief excerpt, abut “diversity.”

“But that’s not what the left means by diversity. At Google and everywhere else it means a plurality of people from different backgrounds, races, genders and sexual identities who agree with us.

It’s an artificial consensus that displaces the old democratic values of individualism and freedom. Instead it imposes a system of safe spaces that treat any dissent as an act of violence against the oppressed.”

Read the whole article:

And here is another:

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