About the verse
This is the famous Bible definition of faith.
While a child in Sunday School, I memorized it, along with John
3:16. So have many others. Faith is here beautifully
defined. It has to do not with what we can see and touch, but
in what we believe. We believe, then we see! But if we
wish to see in order to believe we will never see. For the
Christian, seeing is not believing. Such was the mistake of
Thomas who insisted on seeing the resurrected Jesus before he would
believe in Him. For the Christian, believing is seeing.
About the art
This piece is a little symbolic. An ocean is
glimpsed through the initial letter “N” and also to its left along
the border. The ocean, like God’s reality and power are big
and real, but we only see enough to give us a clue. There is a
big ocean behind the front of this piece. Faith gives us the
ability to glimpse God’s great ocean. Notice the snail in the
upper right corner. Many of my most recent pieces have snails.