Grand Canyon National Park
We visited Grand Canyon in June 1994, using our
Viking pop-up tent trailer. At that time, I was using Ektar 25
film under the mistaken impression that it was the highest
resolution film... Well, actually it WAS probably the highest
resolution, but it also has a fairly limited dynamic range. So
lots of my images did not come out as well as they would have if I
was using Royal Gold 100... Also, the resolution of Royal Gold
100 actually exceeds almost any 35mm camera lens resolving power -
even very expensive lenses! This is why I started exclusively
use Royal Gold 100 as my primary film (until Kodak stopped making
it! Then I bought a Canon 10D and no longer use any film...).
So, all the images on this page are Ektar 25.
The reduced dynamic range caused me trouble with
my wide angle lens. I was not using it properly - I had it set
to be wide open (f/3.5), so there was a lot of drop-off on the
edges. Using new techniques in Photoshop, I have mostly
reduced the effects, but it adds a lot of work to creating the final
Note that the views taken from Grand Canyon
Airlines are now almost impossible to get. The airlines have
been prevented from flying over the Canyon to protect it from the
Click on the
thumbnail images below to see a larger version of the image.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Eric C. Anderson. All Rights Reserved
Sunset View |
Rim Trail View 1 |
Sunset East View 1 |
River View |
Rim Trail View 2 |
Sunset West |
Sunset East View 2 |
Sunset from the Air |

Cactus Flower |
Rim Trail View 3 |
River Gorge View |
North Rim Sunset |

