Hobbies and Interests

technology: I spend lots of time
using my Mainframe (dual Athlon) and Sony Vaio laptop to do
email, web publishing and surfing, image manipulation, and
playing computer games. I also manage my portfolio using
the web - a real time saver! |
photography: you can see from
the images available in the Photography section of this website
that I really love capturing images of God's creation. I
have lots more - keep coming back every so often to check on the
latest postings! |
Reading: I especially like "hard" science fiction, but also
action/adventure and medical fiction. However, if I was
told I could only have ONE book, that book would have to be The
Holy Bible. I read from it every day. |
Music and High
fidelity sound systems: I have
always been an audio freak! I remember the days when I
helped my dad build Heathkit AR2 speakers and audio amplifier -
with tubes! I loved to watch the glow flicker with the
bass! More recently, I own Spica speakers with an M&K
subwoofer, and Denon amplifier. Believe it or not, I use a
Kodak PhotoCD player to play my CD's - I got a special deal from
the Kodak Company Store when I was visiting them on FlashPoint
business. I still have a turntable and about 300 "records"
(boy, does that date me!). I plan to convert them to MP3
in the days ahead, with filters to remove the LP noise. |
Ham radio: My call is WA1PMF -
even though I no longer live in Boston (I left there in 1979).
Before that, I was WB2USQ, which I lost when I moved to Boston.
Now, you get to keep your call sign no matter where you move!
I currently have an Atlas Radio Model 350-XL transceiver - one
of the early all solid-state units made in the USA. It has
better S/N than any modern unit I have tried. I also have
a Kenwood TH-77A dual band handheld transceiver. |
Continued in right
column... |
Hobbies & Interests, continued...
I spend a lot of time managing my investments. I had good
success during the bull market mania of the 1990's - you could
invest in almost anything and get great gains! Since the
start of the secular bear market, things have been very
different. I have had to learn a whole new world of
investment approaches. |
Television: Believe it or not, I spend very very little time watching
TV - even though we get a few hundred channels via DirectTV.
What I do watch are movies I missed, and if possible some of the
current sci-fi stuff, such as Stargate SG1. I prefer
reading books or playing with the computer. |
Lego Mindstorms: OK, so I am just a big kid. I got the mindstorms set
for Father's Day 1999. So far, I have only built one
little robot, shown in the image below... |

My first robot, capable
of following a dark line.
Uses one light sensor and two motors
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